From The Chronicles of Narnia to Frozen, people have long been fascinated by the harsh beauty of winter and by the wonder of snow castles. Beyond fairy-tale ice kingdoms, the world is full of genuine ice castles that you can visit and even stay in. Here are just a few of the incredible ice structures from around the world that bring storybook imaginings into reality.

Hotel de Glace
Looking for a cool place to spend the night? Look no further. Canada is home to one of the world’s finest ice hotels. Just over two miles away from Québec City, this masterpiece of a hotel is constructed entirely out of ice. It is redesigned and rebuilt every winter, so every visit is a completely unique experience. You can spend your time goggling at the ice décor, grabbing a drink from a glass made of ice, or warming up in the hotel’s outdoor hot tubs. If you’re looking for a good place to chill out over the weekend, book your stay at the Hotel de Glace today!

Jungfraujoch Palace
If you ever find yourself travelling to Switzerland, be sure to checkout the Jungfraujoch Palace. This palace is carved out of a glacier in the Swiss Alps and is the highest altitude ice palace in the world. The Jungfraujoch Palace includes sculptures of furniture, animals, and cars. It even has its own sculpteddrink bar! This intricate icy fortress is actually a train station on the Jungfrau railway, so be sure to step out of the train when you get to this spectacular station.

SnowCastle of Kemi
The SnowCastle of Kemi is the largest snow fort in the world. Every year it is redesigned and rebuilt by a different architect. Despite this process, the design always includes a chapel, a restaurant, and a hotel. This fort is a popular destination for weddings and has ornate decorations fashioned by local artists. If you’re looking for something extravagant that you can tell your grandkids about, do yourself a favor and book a trip to Kemi, Finland.

Sapporo Ice Festival
Japan is home to one of the largest ice festivals in the world. The festival is known for its enormous replicas of famous monuments such as the Taj Mahal and the Stockholm Cathedral. Although the festival is only open for one week, millions of tourists come to see what new sculptures are being presented that year. So, come join the crowds and see what masterpieces are on display this year!
Written by Natalie Ann Davis