Winter 2011 Photo Contest Winners Skip to main content
Fall 2011

Winter 2011 Photo Contest Winners

First Place


Photo by Tessa FarnsworthBentonville, Arkansas“This photo was taken this past summer while I was on a trip with my mom in Cambodia. Siem Reap is dotted with beautiful temples, and this one is called Bakong. While walking around the temple, I noticed this monk and fell in love with his grace, the color of his robe, and the surroundings through which he was walking. He seemed so serene and calm, and at that moment he truly brought the temple to life.”

Second Place

Eyes of Hope

by Justin Brown Salt Lake City, Utah“A girl celebrates the opening of a water project connecting a village to the Mombasa, Kenya, municipal water supply. The tap was opened by a group of newly diagnosed HIV-positive women, who joined forces to empower themselves in a microfinance collective rather than be carried by the whims of the social stigma associated with their disease.”

Third Place

Phoenix Town

by Anna Ferrin Kansas City, Kansas“While my husband and I were teaching English in China, we took a trip to Fenghuang, Hunan, China, or ‘Phoenix Town.’ In the day, Fenghuang is an ancient, rustic river town. Boats float carelessly through the small village, under bridges and through thousands of years of history. But at night, ‘Phoenix Town’ becomes a dazzling combination of neon lights and classic Chinese lanterns. Shop vendors fill the air with delicious scents of crunchy fried scorpion and steaming dumplings. It’s the type of place you want to get lost in.”