Spring into Action: Charity Runs Skip to main content
Winter 2012

Spring into Action: Charity Runs

Walk Now for Autism Speaks

West Palm Beach, Florida
March 4, 2012
Each year, thousands of people participate in Walk Now for Autism Speaks to help raise vital funds for researching autism, the fastest-growing developmental disorder in the United States. There are no registration fees required, but participants are encouraged to raise as much money as possible in donations.► ttps://act.autismspeaks.org/site/SPageServer;jsessionid=00000000.app30122b?pagename=walk_homepage&NONCE_TOKEN=0C08AC72AD605DD7E48C148CD089874C

Rex Lee Run

Provo, Utah
March 10, 2012
Held every spring, the Rex Lee Run gives people the chance to show their support and admiration for cancer victims and survivors. Runners can write the name of a cancer survivor or victim on a “Courage in the War against Cancer” certificate. The race raises cancer awareness and provides funds for cancer research. Runners can choose to race in either a 5K or a 10K. The race was named in honor of a former Brigham Young University president, who died of cancer in 1996.► rexleerun.byu.edu

Race for GRACE

Grand Island, Nebraska
April 14, 2012
Race for GRACE, which includes both a 10K and a 2-mile family fun run, benefits the GRACE Foundation (Grand Island Area Cancer Endowment). The GRACE foundation assists local cancer patients and their families with the financial burden of medical expenses. As a way to inspire runners and remind them of the cause, the race route is lined with the names of those who have suffered or are currently suffering from cancer.► www.gracefoundationgi.org

Earth Day 10K

San Diego, California
April 21, 2012
Celebrate Earth Day by running the Earth Day 10K, located on the San Diego coastline. This beautifully located race raises awareness and inspires appreciation for the environment. The proceeds for the event go to local nonprofit organizations and charities. Don’t forget to wear green!► www.earthday10k.com

Journey of Love 5K

Rockwall, Texas
April 28, 2012
Help raise adoption awareness and education by participating in the Journey of Love 5K. A $20 registration fee is required, with all proceeds of the race going toward the Gladney Center ABC program, a 120-year-old nonprofit organization committed to helping families through the adoption process.► www.active.com/running/rockwall-tx/journey-of-love-5k-2012

Middlebury Maple Run

Middlebury, Vermont
May 6, 2012
With its paved and dirt roads, elevation changes, and scenic mountain views, the Middlebury Maple Run is quickly gaining a reputation for being one of the most scenic races in New England. The proceeds of this race benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation as well as several other local charities. Participation fees is $45 dollars for each runner (only $35 for students). Registration forms can be submitted online.► www.middleburymaplerun.com

Run for the Dream

Williamsburg, Virginia
May 19, 2012
For this race, runners can choose to run either a half marathon or an 8K down the historic streets of Colonial Williamsburg. Proceeds raised by the event go to the Wounded Warriors Programs, which provide support to severely injured service men and women. The proceeds also benefit the Achievable Dream, a nonprofit organization that operates two nationally recognized schools dedicated to helping children with low socioeconomic status to break out of poverty.► www.runforachievabledream.com—Lindsey Gardiner