If carrying around a fancy camera is a drag but your Instagram gallery needs some spicing up, then look into buying a lens attachment for your smartphone. This gadget is a good optionfor travelers who want professional grade photos without investing in (or lugging around) an expensive camera. The three most talked-about brands for lens attachments are Olloclip, iPro Lens system, and Moment. Models from each brand have their perks, which are outlined here.
The Olloclip 4-in-1 slides over front and rear-facing cameras and attaches to your keychain when it’s not in use. It includes four versatile lenses: fisheye, wide-angle, and two macro lenses (10x and 15x). Fisheye and wide-angle are good for panoramic or scenery shots and macro lenses can capture those up-close details. The 4-in-1 creates quality images and is the cheapest option of the three brands discussed here. It costs $80 for everything you need, but it only works for the iPhone 6/6S and only when the phone is without a case.

Photography by Olloclip, iPro Lens system, and Moment.
iPro Lens system
iPro Lens system’s model involves using a special case to attach the lenses to the phone. Cases of varying sizes are available for all iPhone models and for Samsung’s Galaxy S4. The starter kit for an iPhone 6/6S costs $84 and includes a phone case and a detachable handle that doubles as a storage unit for the lenses. Lenses are purchased separately, ranging from $40 to $100 each. Fisheye, wide-angle, macro, and telephoto lenses are available. This option is for the more serious photographer, and reviewers say it comes closest to DSLR results.
Moment lenses come with a mounting plate that is glued onto the phone itself. Some users find it unnerving to permanently glue a metal plate onto their phones, but the plate comes right off with a little heat from a blow dryer. Mounting plates come in different sizes so that lenses are compatible with a variety of Apple and Samsung products. Moment offers wide-angle, telephoto, macro lenses. Lenses cost $100 each and come with little felt bags for when they’re not in use. Reviewers comment that Moment lenses are a top pick because they are easy to use, produce outstanding images, and can be used conjointly with a small case.
Which lens attachment is the best choice depends on your photography needs and on where your travels take you. But no matter how you use this gadget, you’re sure to wow your friends and you’ll definitely get more likes. What better way to capture the scenery and the beauty of experiences that are meant to be shared?
—Allie Arnell
Featured photo by Olloclip.