Letter from the Editor—Winter 2020

Honeysuckle. That was all I could smell as I strolled through the backwoods of northern Alabama. I took in the faint smell that left an even fainter taste in my mouth. Something about the copacetic atmosphere filled me with perspective and appreciation for the natural earth. I breathed in the scent and experienced a world of whimsy, a world of romance, a world of serenity.
Ocean brine. That was all I could smell as I rode my bike across the beach at Hilton Head. Watching the
waves reach for my feet, I stopped my bike, kicked off my shoes, and let the ocean hug my ankles. I breathed in the scent and experienced a world of exploration, a world of freedom, a world of passion.
Animal. That was all I could smell as I looked out into the savanna of Maasai Mara, finding a herd of zebra
and wildebeest staring back at me. And while it wasn’t the most alluring smell, there was something raw and natural about it that spoke to me. I breathed in the scent and experienced a world of order, a world of coexistence, a world of reality.
Calgary. San Diego. Bruges. Each location I’ve had the pleasure of visiting has given me the gift of experience. Some places offered adventure, others offered insight, and all offered a home. The world has a plethora of experiences, and it gives them to us as willingly and eagerly as we seek them.
And that’s why Stowaway exists. Our staff loves and celebrates the world, and our mission is to share our passion with you. We know how exquisite and intriguing the world can be, so we use our magazine as a spotlight for earth, for cultures, for relationships. From the aromatic perfumery in Ireland to the demanding flavors of Jamaica, we know that the earth desires to be experienced.
We’ve loved traveling with you for these past 10 years.
And we hope to do it for 10 more.