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Fall 2011 Staff

Holly Anderson

Hometown: Waxahachie, Texas

Major: English Language

Minor: Editing

Graduation: April 2011

Career goals: To work with magazines

Favorite book: Children of the Promise series

Favorite vacation: Going to our family cabin at Fish Lake

Favorite quote: “Music is what feelings sound like.”

I love my cowboy boots, my friends, and turning the radio up too loud in the car and singing along.

Annie Beer

Hometown: Plymouth, Michigan

Major: English

Minor: Editing

Graduation: April 2011

Career Goals: To be an editor for children’s books or children’s magazines. Or to be paid to travel the world for fun. Whichever comes first.

Favorite Book: Harry Potter series

Favorite Vacation: I went to Edinburgh, Scotland, with two of my friends and even though we didn’t do much besides walking the Royal Mile and seeing a few shows, we had the best time. Everything worked perfectly for us—our trains ran on time, the weather cooperated (raining when we were inside and stopping the minute we walked outside), our hostel was cute and the people were extremely kind. I think what made it so amazing was that the other people we knew who went had the exact opposite luck as us (i.e. walking up a hill, slipping in the mud and getting drenched and dirty). It made us appreciate our visit even more.

Favorite Quote: “I want to go to there.” –Liz Lemon (30 Rock)

Katie Bryan

Hometown: Lake Quivira, KS

Major: English Language

Minor: Editing

Graduation: April 2011

Career goals: In-house editor/designer for Fortune 500 company

Favorite Book: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. My hard-nosed grandfather gave it to me as a high school graduation present and, with tears in his eyes, he told me that it was the best book he had ever read. I read it that summer and have read it almost every summer since.

Favorite Vacation: Between my junior and senior years of college I went on a 14-day Mediterranean cruise with my family. It was a fantastic way to see several cities in Italy, Southern France, and the Greek Isles.

Favorite Quote:

“‘Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?’
‘That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,’ said the Cat.
‘I don't much care where—’ said Alice.
‘Then it doesn't matter which way you go,’ said the Cat.”

–Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Talyn Camp

Hometown, State: Pleasant Grove, Utah

Major: Linguistics

Minor: Editing

Graduation: April 2011

Career goals: I plan on working for the government and carrying a gun.

Favorite Book: at the moment, a series about Navy SEALs. It’s my guilty pleasure.

Favorite Vacation: a cruise to the Caribbean. I got trapped in a glass elevator and subsequently sweat off my body weight, ate all the pizza and ice cream I could manage, fried my skin to a crisp, and played the most extensive games of hide and seek. What’s not to love?!

Favorite Quote: Hairy legs are your only link to reality. –Bonnie Hunt, Return to Me

Allison Frost

Hometown: St. Charles, Missouri
Major: English

Minor: Editing

Graduation: August 2011
Career Goals: Work in publishing, be it fiction or magazine publishing. Eventually return to graduate school studying English .
Favorite Books: 1984 and The Great Gatsby
Favorite Vacation: New York City
Favorite Quote: “Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)” Walt Whitman

Holli Hale

Hometown: Mesa, AZ

Major: English

Minors: Editing/Anthropology 

Graduation: April 2011

Career Goals: TBD

Favorite Book: All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy

Favorite Vacation: Bali, Indonesia

Favorite Quote: “We are all worms, but I do believe that I am a glow worm.” – Winston Churchill.

Nickhale Hoban

Hometown: Goodyear, AZ

Majors: Linguistics and German

Graduation: April 2011

Career Goals: I plan to go to Law School, but I don’t know where yet since I plan to go to Taiwan for a year first to teach English and learn more Mandarin Chinese.

Favorite book: Chicago Manual of Style! Just kidding. The Hobbit.

Favorite Vacation: Busch Gardens Florida. I used to live near there and it was my favorite theme park around.

Quote: Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

Stephanie Johnson

 Hometown, State: Burley, ID

Major: English

Minor: Editing

Graduation: April 2011

Career goals: Graduate school in English (scripture as literature), seminary teacher

 Favorite Books: Huckleberry Finn, Persuasion

 Favorite Vacation: Southern Utah with my Family

 Favorite Quote: “We are not human beings on a spiritual journey but spiritual beings on a human journey.” 

Danielle Kopotic

Hometown, State: San Diego, California

Major: English Language

Minor: Editing

Graduation: April 2011

Career goals: Freelance Indexer

Favorite Book: The Agony and the Ecstasy by Irving Stone

Favorite Vacation: Family Vacation to Sedona, Arizona

Favorite Quote: “Yeah, weird!” –Kronk, The Emperor’s New Groove

Neltje Maynez

Hometown: Orem, Utah

Major: History

Minor: Editing

Graduation: April 2011

Career goals: I have always wanted to go to law school, or possibly work as a free-lance editor.

Favorite Book: The Good Earth

Favorite Vacation: Driving from Utah to California in 6 hours to catch a flight to Hawaii (The drive normally takes from 7-12 hours). Whizzing past Las Vegas and the desert while having fun with my family was one of the best vacations ever.

Favorite Quote: “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sarah M. McConkie

Hometown: Farmington, UT

Major: English

Minor: Editing

Graduation: April 2011

Career Goals: Getting married last year and then finding out I was having a baby this summer changed my original plans of writing and editing a magazine. While having a baby isn't what I originally thought I'd end up doing right after graduation, I couldn't be more excited. I hope to find part-time or from-home editing and freelance writing. I still think it'd be fun to work with a magazine someday, so I'll see if that pans out.

Favorite Book: Anna Karenina

Favorite Vacation: I went to New York City with my high school choir. All that shopping, Broadway, and sightseeing with my best friends was hard to beat as far as trips go!

Favorite Quote: 'I can do hard things.' —Susan Tanner. Simple but effective when you need the motivation to do tough things, big or small.

 Nate Parkinson

Hometown: Holladay, Utah

Major: English

Minor: Editing

Graduation: August 2011

Career Goal: To be rich and powerful…or be a fireman.

Favorite Book: Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell

Favorite Vacation: Vaccines for the Philippines—“Mabuhay and welcome”

Favorite Quote: 'People hang on his every word, even the prepositions.'

- Dos Equis, of the Most Interesting Man in the World

Kimberly Smith

Hometown: Sandy, Utah

Major: English

Minor: Editing

Graduation: April 2011

Career Goals: Magazine editor, travel writer, journalist, teacher (and school newspaper/literary journal faculty member), professional traveler, professional student, Italian opera singer. . .

Favorite Book: The Famished Road by Ben Okri

Favorite Vacation: Weekend trips up to my cabin at Bear Lake. All we do is boat, eat, and sit on the beach.

Favorite Quote: “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.” Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Bridgette Day Tuckfield

Hometown, State: Austin, Texas.

Major: Linguistics

Minor: Editing

Graduation: August 2011

Career goals: Remaining employed, preferably by writing somehow.

Favorite Books: Infinite Jest, House of Leaves, Raw Shark Texts. (Yes, I am exactly that sort of person.)

Favorite Vacation: A trip to Norway for three weeks when I was 21. It was gorgeous and strange and weird in every sense of the word. We were above the Arctic Circle in the summer, so the sun never set, so I never slept—which lent the whole trip a kind of vivid insomniac intensity. 

Favorite Quote: You’re only as good as the obscurity of your sources.

Philip Volmar

 Hometown: Fullerton, California

 Major: Communications/PR emphasis

Minors: Business, Editing

Graduation: April 2011

Career goal: Corporate or nonprofit PR practitioner

 Favorite Book: Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

 Favorite Vacation: Traveling the Northeastern United States

 Favorite Quote: “Writing and rewriting are a constant search for what it is one is saying.” -John Updike