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Fall 2016

Wish You Were Here

Do you want to send your friend a classic “Wish you were here!” without a cliché postcard picture attached? No problem.

Postagram is a wonderful mix of sending old-school postcards and sharing photos via social media. This app, available for Apple and Android devices, takes photos directly from your phone or social media accounts, prints them on a postcard, and sends them to your friends.

Postagram has a straightforward design that you can learn to use in a few minutes. Here is a five-step guide to using the app:
1. Create a profile
Download the app, create an account, and choose a profile picture, which will appear on all your postcards.

2. Choose a photo
Choose the perfect photo directly from your phone or from Facebook, Instagram, or a variety of other social media sites. You can crop and reposition your photo to adjust how it will appear on the postcard.

3. Write a message
Type your personalized message. Similar to Twitter, Postagram has a limited number of characters, but there is space to write a nice message.

4. Choose a recipient
Select a recipient from your contact list or add a new recipient. Postagram allows you to save addresses in the app. You can add as many contacts as you want, or even make friend or family groups.

5. Enter payment info
A postagram costs $1.99, including shipping. Enter your payment information and you’re done. Your friends will believe you’ve gone out of your way to send something nice, and it only takes a few minutes.Now go and do something exciting so that you can postagram about it!

—Kayla Bowman